
Business Forum Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should attend the Business Forum for Young Professionals?
Anyone who is an in-seat student enrolled in an Accounting or Business class during the session times. ALL 9:25 Accounting/Business courses will meet in the Kohn Theatre for the Keynote Session in lieu of class. ALL 9:25 Accounting/Business courses will meet in EITHER Session 1 (9:30 - 10:15) or Session 2 (10:30 - 11:50 ) in the Hutton School of Business. Depending on the student schedule, they can choose which session works best for them. Students who have 12:15 classes will need to let us know so that we can seat them next to the door to be released at 12:05 to attend their next class.
Who will be speaking at the Business Forum for Young Professionals?
2024 Business Forum Speakers
When and where will the Business Forum for Young Professionals take place?
Wednesday, April 10th
* Concurrent Session 1 - Hutton School of Business - 9:30 - 10:15 AM
* Concurrent Session 2 - Hutton School of Business - 10:30 - 11:15 AM
* Keynote Session - Kohn Theatre (Grace Crum Rollins Building) - 11:30 - 12:15 AM
What attire is acceptable for this event?
* Preferred attire is Business Formal
* Business Casual will be accepted if Business Formal is NOT an option. * Athletic wear, t-shirts, jeans, shorts or other casual/everyday attire will not be acceptable.
Do I receive a Registration Packet?
Everyone who registers and attends this event will receive a packet. Registration Packets will be available for early pick up on Monday, April 8 in the Board Room of the Hutton School of Business (HSB 102). Those not picked up during this early pick up will be available the day of the event in the event space.
Where are pictures of the event located?
Any pictures taken at the event will be posted on the following:
  Twitter: @UCHSB
  Facebook: Hutton School of Business
  Instagram: uchsb
  You are also more than welcome to post/tag your pictures from the event!
Accessibility Seating
Anyone who needs accessibility seating, please email: businessforum@ucumberlands.edu and put ACCESSIBILITY REQUEST in the Subject line. Any other questions/concerns can be sent to the Forum Event Coordinator (Ms. Agnes BrownOliphant) at: businessforum@ucumberlands.edu

